Monday, December 29, 2008

more holiday pics ...

Thanks, Tracey, for sharing this great picture of Noah & Cookie!
Here's the photo I received in a card from Isabella & Gabriella, which I just scanned:

I still can't figure out how they got everyone to pose so nicely!!
(click on the picture for a larger view.)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Wow, so December just flew right by and I never posted on the blog! Sorry! Our Holiday party scheduled for the 19th got snowed out, so we'll celebrate with a HAPPY NEW YEAR party at our next meeting, on January 9th instead! Looking forward to seeing everyone then! We can take a club photo with everyone wearing their new Upton 4-H Club T-shirts!

Here are some of our Christmas pics...

Does anyone have any pictures they would like to share, especially ones including your pets?! Please e-mail them to me and I will post them!