Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fishing Derby

The Upton 4-H Club
held its First-Ever
Youth Fishing Derby
this morning at Pratt Pond / Kiwanis Beach in Upton!

35 kids, ages 3-15, showed up and braved the chilly weather! It was lots of fun and we're already working on plans for next year! Everyone received a 4-H participation ribbon! Lots of special ribbons were awarded for the top 5 biggest fish of each species caught, and prizes of fishing equipment were awarded for the top 2 fish of each species! There were 6 species caught in all: Blue Gill, Large Mouth Bass, Perch, Trout, Pickerel, Calico Bass.

Click here to see a slideshow of the event!

Participants, with their ribbons and prizes,
at the end of the Derby.
(click the photo for a bigger view!)

1 comment:

*Lisa* said...

Fishing Derby results from Jeff:

* 38 kids Registered.
* 35 braved the chilly morning on Pratt Pond on 10/19/2008.
* These young sportsmen caught over 22 fish in 3 hours.
* 6 Species of Fish were caught.
* 13 placing Ribbons were awarded.
* All who participated received a green 4-H participation Ribbon!

Gabby Melnick - 1st place
Sam Millett - 2nd place
Gabby Melnick - 3rd place

Tori Stratton - 1st place

Calico Bass
Gabby Melnick - 1st place

Tori Stratton - 1st place
Maia Giglio - 2nd place

Gabby Melnick - 1st place

Blue Gill
Brett Matckie - 1st place
Sophia Piekarski - 2nd place
Mackenzie Matckie - 3rd place
Carson Matckie - 4th place
Noah Tardy - 5th place

Along with the prizes awarded, we also had a special pre-registration raffle. 28 participants received raffle tickets for 8 prizes.

Fishing Tips:

* Save the extra bait for future fishing adventures.. ..Pratt Pond was just stocked with over 100 trout for the fall season.
* Keep the bait (worms) from freezing... suggestion keep in frig.
* Shiners- keep airated and use a soon as possible.
* Shiner pail/buckets... Keep for shiner (fishing use only!) Do not use in yard or for car washing,
* Bait buckets are special....with specially designed covers and they are pricey to purchase so keep them for use of fishing.
* Trout bait or salmon egg jars...Make sure covers are on tight, they will last for next Spring fishing if stored properly.
* Replace line every 10 - 12 trips or 2 times each season.
* Clean and lube reels once a season
* Catch and release all fish caught unless you plan to eat it
* Fish responsibly!

Thank You for a Great Derby!
~ Jeff LeClaire, for The Upton 4-H Club