Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fishing Derby

The Upton 4-H Club
held its First-Ever
Youth Fishing Derby
this morning at Pratt Pond / Kiwanis Beach in Upton!

35 kids, ages 3-15, showed up and braved the chilly weather! It was lots of fun and we're already working on plans for next year! Everyone received a 4-H participation ribbon! Lots of special ribbons were awarded for the top 5 biggest fish of each species caught, and prizes of fishing equipment were awarded for the top 2 fish of each species! There were 6 species caught in all: Blue Gill, Large Mouth Bass, Perch, Trout, Pickerel, Calico Bass.

Click here to see a slideshow of the event!

Participants, with their ribbons and prizes,
at the end of the Derby.
(click the photo for a bigger view!)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cuddly Critters ...

At the October meeting of the Cuddly Critters Rabbit & Cavy Club, Tori talked about Cavy Care, and we had a few new cavies at the meeting .... along with their owners who want to join the club!

Thanks, Arianna & Jennifer, for bringing 'Cookie Dough' and 'Chestnut' to our meeting last night!

Katie was there were her cavy, 'Max', who was happy to meet some new friends!

There were also lots of bunnies, and everyone learned about trimming bunny & cavy toenails!

Here, Nicole (holding her Mini Rex 'Snickers') and Devon (holding her Jersey Wooly 'Abby'), look at the ARBA Standard of Perfection to learn more about their breeds.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

CCC Day at Upton State Forest

Thank you to the Giglio, Millett and Stratton families for representing the UPTON 4-H CLUB at CCC-Day yesterday, at The Upton State Forest! Thanks, also, to the Suazo, Killeen and LeClaire families, who donated supplies for the day, even though they were unable to attend! It was such a beautiful Autumn day ~ I am so glad that we participated in this historic event, sponsored by the Friends of the Upton State Forest, honoring the alumni who served at the CCC Camp during the 1930s!

Our Club members spent the day providing info about 4-H, and sharing Nature Crafts ... leaf rubbings, rock painting, and pinecone birdfeeders ... with families who visited our booth.

Senator Ed Augustus stopped by to say hello, and posed for this picture!

(We also wanted a picture with Smokey Bear , but he left early ... maybe off to fight a fire somewhere?!)

We saw 3 live falcons,

and attended the flagpole dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony of the newly-named CCC Way (the main trail heading into the State Forest parking lot).

We also had fun with Letterboxing, and found the first 2 boxes in the new series of 5 boxes placed in honor of the day. We're planning to go back, possibly next weekend after the Fishing Derby, to scout out the other 3!